Despite a great leadership record, free primary school, building the Thika Superhighway, some blame him for the eruption of the 2007 Post-Election violence.
As expected, the Kenyan budget coming in an election year paints a rosy picture about the future of the country, but Kenyans are becoming anxious about what lies ahead for them as the cost of commodities continue to rise, and CS Ukur Yatani's budget appears to target basic needs and small business industry.
Building Bridges Initiative (BBI) proponents who include President Uhuru Kenyatta and former Prime Minister Raila Odinga are proposing sweeping changes to the constitution that would allow for the creating of several power leadership positions and bring equity in the distribution of resources and parliamentary representation. Critics call the effort self-serving and not a priority for Kenya.
The man is believed to be one of the main suspects in the sexual assault of a female motorist and a diplomat on Wangari Maathai Road in Nairobi. He was arrested at the Kenya-Tanzania border trying to flee the country.
Ending the requirement of mask-wearing in public could spell a death blow to some businesses. Sports leaders celebrate the directive because now sports fans can go to the stadium unrestricted
Youth are seeing hopelessness in Kenya and they're skeptical that change is possible. But there is a glimmer of hope that a good number would still show up and cast their votes
Education Cabinet Secretary Prof. George Magoha Is Facing Opposition From Almost Every Corner as He Attempts To Fix An Education System Complicated By The Pandemic, Gay Rights, And Student Unrest That Has Led To Several School Buildings Set Ablaze